A Documentary about Meaningful Experiences
through Design & Innovation
We will explore the practices of successful innovation leaders, visionaries and teams from the most inventive companies
worldwide to learn how best to design future products and services meeting the unrealised needs of people.
This documentary is a research exploration to understand and inspire meaningful innovation, removing barriers and make it easier for people in the public and private sectors to work together and nurture a culture of innovation.
The future will be built by the digital innovators, who through simple products and services make an impact on the lives of millions of people. The ones who had the guts and the vision to deal with the impossible and the unknown. The ones who achieve not just radical, but meaningful experiences through Design and Innovation.
These digital innovators aren’t just disruptive, they are constructive. They aren’t just driven by business, but by people. People-driven innovation. As contemporary and progressive experience designers we have the power to shape the future. But with progress comes a great responsibility that we as designers should be aware.
More Utopia
The future. We all talk about the future. Here we are in 2015, the year we were told would be the future. It’s a good moment to stop and reflect on how this future will look?
Less Dystopia
We are easily amazed and inspired by the Science Fiction of Hollywood, but how reliable is Fictional Design? Are we predicting future problems? Are we solving future Human needs? Do we even know what those needs are?
"The technology develops as people become cognisant of new ways of inventing. The designer's job is to ensure that the utopian aspects of these ideas come to life... and that the dystopian Hollywood predictions stay on the screen where they belong!"
Where do we want to be in 2030? It’s time to design and curate the future we deserve. Good Design should be Human-centric, but how might we apply human-centered design methods into futuristic creations? Designing meaningfully for Humans who needs do not yet exist.
We are always evolving. Our objects are becoming smarter, our information more relevant (and vulnerable). Our vehicles, kitchens, jobs, news, websites… lives are becoming more automated. But how Human can Artificial Intelligence be?
The desires of today, are the needs of tomorrow. Finding the right balance between Human needs and Human Desire is the key to prosperity. After all, aren't we all just prototypes of the perfect human being?
We are all Future Curators
Let’s think about the future of cities, education and transportation. Let’s think about the future of homes, food and health.
Let’s think about the future of information, communication and entertainment. Let’s think about the future of energy and science.
Let’s think about the future of Design and Designers, but most importantly let’s think about the future of Humans.
Only then, will we be able to design the future we deserve. Human Future Design.
A research project done by MOE Collective in collaboration with Hyper Island